  • 土酷酷酷云
  • 土酷酷酷M
    电影醒爱世界SexWorld于1978上映于欧美,由知名演员박세미 위지웅 박하얀等联合演出,醒爱世界SexWorld大致讲述了:Taking off on WESTWORLD, a bus load of people going to a resort that helps them solve their sexual hang-ups. Everyone and everything is monitored by a huge computer run by a gang of white-coated technicians, which deducts their deepest sexual fantasies - whether or not they are aware of them. The clients are paired off with each other for optimum effect. A bigot, for example, i...,醒爱世界SexWorld在线观看云资源来源于网络,如遇不能播放请自行切换其他资源。